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  • Writer's pictureTami

Sectioning Off Work

Updated: May 18, 2021

Monday 17th May 2021

Today marks the beginning of the last week. To ensure that I get all work (or as much as can be done) finished, I had been sectioning off work for each day that I had to complete and I am happy to say that it worked well. However, everything didn't go exactly as planned.

I sent the objects video to the participants and only one replied back and did the video, the rest didn't even reply back. What is worse is that only two of the participants sent me their interviews and one of them was audio only which wasn't helpful for the film that I wanted to create. Therefore, I decided that I would use the mock films plus another interview to make up a docuseries, the idea was influenced by watching the Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich miniseries. To add to the unfortunate events, Adobe Premiere Pro was malfunctioning and so it was very hard to edit anything, however I still managed to edit the last interview and a couple of trailers. The trailers were extremely short though.

It is hard to specify what was wrong with the application but the above images sort of show what the biggest problem was which I can't even really explain what is going on myself. This same problem happened when I was editing the mock films but it was resolved after I updated the software, right now there is no update available so I am not sure how to fix it.

I made some simple posters with Adobe Photoshop and a book page using that would act as promotional material. I have done a bit of an EPK (electronic press kit) as well. The reason why I didn't do a full EPK is because I felt like there wasn't much or anything to put for 'cast and crew biographies', 'production stills' and the 'ten FAQs'. If I have can, I will try and make little profiles for the participants that I was able to use for the docuseries and use that to act as the 'cast and crew biographies'. The promotional material and other things are featured on my second website which I used during Stage 2 Part 1 as a production website for yellow melon work, of which there was only one, now I have added what I can about this project onto it. The website it .

Posters and book page:

Screenshots of the website:


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